Gilbert Gottfried Leaves Us With His Unique Voice In Comedy

We are saddened to hear of the passing of comedy legend Gilbert Gottfried earlier today. Gilbert has been a staple of comedy for the last couple decades. With his unique voice Gilbert will always be remembered for his sometimes X rated material, but the man behind the jokes was a great husband and father.

I first became of Gilbert when he was a host on Up All Night which aired on the USA Network when I was a teenager. His voice will always stick with me just like the B movies that they would air late night. I then saw Gottfried in Problem Child and Beverly Hills Cop 2. And of course Gottfried will always be remembered in the Disney Universe as Iago the talking bird in Disney smash hit Aladdin.

If you want to check out a great documentary into the life and times of Gilbert Gottfried I suggest you to all check out the movie Gilbert. I’ve included the trailer down below. Rest easy Gilbert and thanks for the jokes.



About Stephen Nepa

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