‘Ready Player One’ Posters Scream Nostalgia and Maybe Other Things

The upcoming Steven Spielberg film Ready Player One is going high on the nostalgia factor with their marketing. Especially on their most recent marketing in a new series of posters that are homages to some pop culture favorites. Warner Bros. and Spielberg’s company, Amblin Entertainment, have released a series of movie posters which put the main characters of Ready Player One into popular movie posters from the past. Take a look below.


(The Goonies)

(Risky Business)

(Back to the Future)


And even the 1968 film (Bullitt)

(The Lost Boys)

(The Matrix)

(The Iron Giant)

(Blade Runner)


(The Breakfast Club)

(Rambo: First Blood Part 2)

While this may be a really cool idea, some of the internet seem to think otherwise. Some members on Twitter pointed out how some of these posters look like terrible photoshopped images. Some  even made their own posters mocking the idea. I would agree that some of them look a little amateurish but there are a couple that look pretty awesome. My favorite is the Labyrinth poster.

Regardless, Ready Player One will still hit the big screen on March 29.

Do you love or hate these posters? Let us know in the comment section below.

About Chris Salce

I'm a pop culture fanatic based out of Southern California. My collection of comics and pop culture memorabilia would even impress The Collector. When I'm not busy writing about pop culture news, doing film reviews or interviewing celebs, my brother and I work on a comic book called Blood-RED (And yes, that was a cheap plug). I have a certificate of completion for a children’s storybook writing program.

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