Top 5 Career Killing Movies

Ever wonder what happened to those actors or actresses who had so much promise and my have even won an award? Well today I am here to answer those questions with this count down. SO let’s roll our sleeves up and dig into this sh*t pile.

5. Eddie Murphy- Pluto Nash

We will kick off our list with Eddie Murphy. Eddie Murphy was funny through the 80’s and partly through the 90’s but then he started to move away from the adult humor and tried to make more family friendly comedies. Then 2002 came with Pluto Nash and well that was almost a wrap on Murphy’s career. Made with a huge budget of 100 million dollars, this movie managed to gain back 4 million. It languished in studio vaults for two years after being shot, before being dumped without a critic’s screening in August, and quietly disappeared. This should have been a lesson for Eddie Murphy but he decided to play in more family friendly movies such as norbit, and daddy day care which didn’t help his stock any.

4. Demi Moore- Striptease

As a straight male I tend to like attractive women, with that being said growing up a I had a huge crush on Demi Moore. I was even willing to wait until I was old enough to watch Striptease and it sucked. Moore seemed to be a Juggernaut in the film making world rolling out hit after hit but this film seemed to be the top of the mountain; bashed by critics and mostly loved by teenage boys (what a shock right?) Moore took a very long time away from movies and now has seemed to all but disappear.

3. Cuba Gooding, Jr. – Boat Trip

Cuba was on top of the wolrd after Jerry Maguire, he had won an oscar and seemed to be in line to start doing some really good films. Then came Boat Trip. I am not sure who told Cuba to do this film but I hoped they were fired after it failed. In the film Jr books a boat on a gay cruise line and well you know the rest.

2. Mike Myers – The Love Guru

After the success of Sherk and Austin Powers Myers seemed to be the next big box office comedy draw, then came The love Guru. A very unfunny film and often called racists Myers really hasn’t been in anything else since then. He’s threatening with another Austin Powers film but that may not even be enough to pull him out of the hole.

Before I get to number 1 here are a few dishonorable mentions. Now some of these have careers that should be over:

  • Al Pacino
  • Adam Sandler

And finally…

  • Robert Deniro. Yeah that’s right, Robert frickin’ Deniro . Deniro isn’t much of a draw anymore and how could you expect him to be when he has been doing nothing but garbage. The “greatest actor” of all time is really undeserving of that title now. Honestly there are other good actors who could have that title.

1. Kevin Costner – Water World

Kevin Costner was a big draw in the 80’s and early 90’s but then in 95 his career sank with Water World. A huge movie that was suppose to be epic was rigged with problems including money and director issues. A huge platform was built for this film and much like Costner’s career it sunk to the bottom of the ocean. With a huge budget that made no where near that amount of money back, people just stopped paying for Costner. Here lately his career has kind of taken of again with Man of Steel but he only followed them up with two floaters.

Well what do you think of this week’s top 5? Is there anyone on here somebody would care to defend? If so we would love to hear it in the comment section below.

About Tommy Bolden

I watch horrible movies so you don't have to. D.C comics fan, WWE fan and sports fan.

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