captain marvel

Rumor: Captain Marvel Has Been Cast

*This post contains potential Avengers: Age of Ultron spoilers*

This is strictly a rumor at this point, but news broke from Umberto Gonzalez of Latino-review and Badass Digest, that the role of Captain Marvel has been officially cast.  The Captain Marvel role will reportedly be the character Carol Danvers, and details are being kept in extreme secrecy.  No actress has been mentioned as of now.  The Captain Marvel movie isn’t expected to hit theaters until November 2nd, 2018, so we have plenty of time for more details.

Although her solo film is years away, the rumor also says that she may make an appearance in the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron on May 1st of this year.  Rumors also suggest that at the end of Age of Ultron, Captain America will be looking to put a new team together, and Captain Marvel is one of those new members.

Gonzalez also stated:

In terms of the standalone film, the Marvel brain trust has blocked out the plot & story with the intention of bringing an established writer to write the script. Comic writer Kelly Sue DeConnick wanted to take a crack at writing the screenplay but I’m not sure if she got the gig. Also, I’m told legendary comic writer Jim Starlin, who has a rich history with Captain Marvel is aboard the project as a consultant. All of the above is UNCONFIRMED so take with grain of salt until further notice but it’s within the realm of plausibility.

So there you have it.  Like he said, take it with a grain of salt.  The rumor is unconfirmed as of now.  Stay tuned more more details.



About Peter Towe

A graduate of UMASS Boston, Pete now lives in Chicago where he does the movie thing. This mostly consists of watching copious amounts of movies and attempting to craft his own.

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