Age of the Nerd

Age of the nerd was created for the same reason most entertainment sites were started. A group of disgruntled journalists got together and decided our opinion was more valuable… In a day when it’s easier to get a position as a freelance writer or just create your own job, a small group of us got together and asked the obvious question: why not us? So after a heated discussion on ideas, focus and long-term goals, we decided to just go for it. What’s the worst that can happen?

Cinema’s Top 5 Unluckiest Characters

Here is a list of what I consider to be the Top Five characters throughout cinema history that have managed to constantly find them selves in the the most unlikely of circumstances. Time and time again, these characters land themselves in impossible situations yet somehow manage to keep on keepin' on.

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The Walking Dead season 5 Episode 5 Recap

This episode is a bombshell. After catching up with Beth last week , we return to the rest of the gang and this are getting heated. Abraham forces the group to continue on their blind quest to get Eugene to Washington. Nut at what point do you consider abandoning the mission? The answer to all these questions are right here in our Walking Dead S5E5 “Self-Help” Recap.

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