pop! pop! podcast,

Pop! Pop! Ep. 33 – Oscars 2019!

Welcome back, nerds! The guys are back after a short three weeks to fill your ear holes with sweet, sweet news! Plus, we preview the 2019 Oscars ceremony!

We talk about the Superbowl! The Rams lost (boo), the Patriots won (boo), and Tom Brady kisses his kids on the lips… let’s move on. Jordan Peele is rebooting The Twilight Zone and the cast is more star-studded than we originally thought; it looks intriguing, exciting, and most importantly – spooky! Taron Edgerton is playing Elton John in the biopic Rocketman and the guys dissect the first full length trailer. Spoilers: they’re kind of excited for it!  For some freaking reason, that not even the Disney execs know, Will Smith’s head is placed on top of the Genie’s body in the new Aladdin trailer and holy shit do the guys have issues with it. We’re getting a movie we didn’t know we wanted: a Hulk Hogan biopic starring Chris Hemsworth, and we there are rumors that we might be getting something we’ve always wanted: an Obi Wan mini-series on Disney+!


Finally, the Oscars are this weekend and the guys broke down every single category… and then the audio file disappeared.  So the guys re-recorded and broke down the top categories really quickly so you at least have something to listen to! Make sure to let us know your Oscars predictions in the comment section below. Enjoy!

About Joel Reaves

Joel (Aka The LA Nerd) is an independent filmmaker and podcaster that loves comic books about zombies, really short walks to the bar, and redheads named MJ but he's definitely not Spider-Man so stop asking, okay? Jeez.

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