Tag Archives: Predator

A Look At 5 Underrated Sequels

Most people know that sequels are commonly the death of what starts as a good movie concept. The film making industry's main focus is to make as much money as possible, but while the money rolls in quality ideas often get harder and harder to think of over time. Eventually, the end result is a last sequel devoid of any bona fide concept. In fact, many continuations often regurgitate what has come before, just in different "packaging.

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Ranking The Predator Movies From Worst To Best

It has been six years since the release of Predators. After the abysmal Alien vs Predator movies, it seemed righteous that we were given a decent solo Predator movie. Unfortunately, even though Predators was far superior in terms of entertainment and technically than the aforementioned, that movie kind of came and went.

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